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Is a correction on the horizon?

Do you expect to see a correction in the market – if so, what could the size of the correction be?

If not, will it continue to test 6,000 and how much could it exceed 6000?

My gut feeling is that we are going to see a 500 to 750 point correction, maybe more.

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Defending your wealth

I enjoyed reading your article “Defending your wealth”. I am interested in buying some shares in the fund. However, I was wondering whether I would be better off buying the shares when the fund (WDE) listed on the 21 May, 2015. Your comment would be appreciated.

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Investing $500,000

I was wanting to Invest $500,000. What sectors are the best to invest in at the moment with yield/growth of equal importance, and what percentage in each sector. I would appreciate some examples of stocks in each of these sectors which you think are the best . I am 60 and don’t mind being a little aggressive for the sake of bigger return.

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Charlie’s stock picks

Is Charlie suggesting that the “Nifty 15” are buys at their current prices?

Which ones should we be careful about buying at this time?

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Tightening pension entitlements

What do you think the chances are of Scott Morrison’s support for a tightening of pension entitlements getting up? My understanding is that both ACOSS and Morrison think a couple with $800,000 in assets outside the home is “wealthy,” whereas such a couple may well be earning less than the pension.

How does such an approach encourage people to sacrifice now, in order to build up their superannuation for the future?


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