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My portfolios

Dear Peter,

I have three portfolios:

P1: TLS 24%, WPL 24%, WBC23%, BHP 11.5%, WOW 9%, AWE 4$, IAG 2%, BPT %. Total Value $5K.

P2: BHP 23%,NAB 22%, CBA 20%, WPL 6.4%, TLS 6%, ANZ 4.5%, WES 4%, WBC 3.5%, WOW 2%,VRT 1.5% + others. Value$1.5m.

P2: WPL20%, AWE 14.5%, APE 13%, TLS 13%, NAB 11%. Value$3.5K.

I’m fully invested, except for forthcoming DIV.

Unfortunately, P2 is the super account.

My plan is to hold on to the banks, except for small sales to get cash for investment. I’ll hold BHP at least until share split, hold WPL to see how things pan out.

Buy more TLS, MTU, and sell IAG soon.

AWE is a long held stock – average price is about $1.50.

Some of the better stocks have been held for a long time. We started investing/trading in the mid 50’s but have sold too many very good stocks, including CSL because of the AIDS blood scare in the 80’s.

I am a young 80 years, and a keen follower of current affairs, including financial matters.

I have no real questions but would like your comments please.

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Magellan Global Equities Fund (MGE)

We have been given a research paper on Magellan Global Equities Fund (MGE), as we already hold Hunter Hall Global (HHV) in our super fund (and have made $7000 on it), so would appreciate your views on the future of both.

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SMSFs and loans

I have a two part question.

First, am I correct in my understanding that a SMSF can make a loan to a company owned by members of the fund, as long as that loan is less than 5% of the fund’s assets at current market values?

Second, is the loan assessed against the value at the time the loan was made, or does it have to be reassessed periodically to ensure it doesn’t breach the 5% limit if the value of other assets fall?

Thank you.

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Do you think Metcash, bought in mid $3s, is worth another go to average the cost back?

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Platinum Asset Management

I bought PTM at $6 as recommended in view of a falling Aussie dollar. I am an investor, not usually a trader, but in view of their decline over last few days (until lunchtime today), should one hang in there? Presumably, the decline reflects disappointment with the half yearly report.

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