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My wife and I run a business, with both of us as directors and staff. We are also trustees of our SMSF. Please let us know whether we are required to receive contribution information and payments sent using SuperStream.

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Can you please give me your expert opinion on Medibank. Are the shares worth holding, or, should I switch to some better performing company?

Also, your views on Slater and Gordon?

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Managed funds

We have a SMSF and have purchased an apartment, shares and now have a small amount of cash. Should we look at a managed fund, as we will have around $5,000 per month to invest? If so, which one would you suggest? If not, what should we be doing with this money?

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NAB capital raising

You recently answered a question regarding the NAB capital raising and what to do if you either wanted to increase your exposure, or maintained exposure.

Is there anything we specifically need to know if we are looking to offload our exposure? That is, excluding market fluctuations, is there any benefit to selling before the issuance of new shares, and therefore, avoid the dilution of new shares at the discounted price?

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I am interested in your thoughts about ARGO’s upcoming ASX listed global infrastructure fund.

Currently, I do not have any infrastructure shares in my SMSF portfolio and my exposure to global shares is relatively low.

ARGO’s new fund would increase both my exposure to infrastructure and global companies, but do you think it is a good investment?

I would appreciate your thoughts on this.


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