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Crown resorts

Bought Crown resorts on Charlie’s recommendation at $15.43. It’s down to $12.79 today, 17 June. Happy to hold if they are likely to rebound in the not too distant future, but don’t want to be stuck with them for an extended period waiting for recovery. What would you advise?

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Looking outside the square

I follow your articles with interest and like your ideas. I understand that we are heading for a bit of volatility and perhaps, with this in mind, we should be looking outside the square.

My question to you is  how to target the markets that our “cousins” in the US can get access to?

For instance, I read in a financial spiel that China Railways will be building lots of rail connections through to Russia and Europe and will take off and be a similar growth factor for the country like the Union Pacific was for the US at the end of the last century.

If we can’t access any of this “future action”, why not set up a Fund using experts from China for us subscribers to get on the bandwagon?

Secondly, I think India will eventually get going and was wondering if you think the India Fund currently being offered would be a good investment.

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