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Property purchase within the fund

I am loving your site as it has a wealth of information on setting up and running an SMSF. I have a newly set up SMSF and am committed to a property purchase within the fund. I am currently looking to arrange the finance. Do you have a current article on SMSF lenders? My research so far shows State Custodians have the best variable rate of 5.09% while Bank of Queensland has the best fixed rates of 4.29% for three years and 4.59% for one, two, four and five years.

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What are your thoughts on Woolworths (WOW) shares as a buying opportunity at around the $26 – $27 range?

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What is your opinion on South32? I’m 75 and was thinking of having this in my portfolio.

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Refreshing your pension

Hi Tony,

I am going to refresh my pension on 30/6/15.

We are thinking about changing to a corporate trustee at some stage.

If I do this, will that mean the pension will need to be refreshed at that time again, or does it just carry on with the trustee change in place?

I am thinking changing trustee and refreshing the pension at the same time would be a lot to digest.

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