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Can I trade ETFs on NYSE arca through any brokers in Australia?

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Super strategies

Does the lump amount withdrawn and re-contributed back into super need to be held in different bank accounts?

Also, does the financial y/e account need to disclose the CC and NCC component of the assets balance?

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Ansell performance

I am seeing a lot about Ansell.

It has high overseas exposure and is a market leader but it certainly has not knocked the sock off over the last couple of years.

What is the Switzer team’s views on the stock?

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Corporate Trustees and wills

I have a SMSF with a corporate Trustee.

When drafting a will, is it necessary to provide for the transfer of the shares in the corporate Trustee to my legal personal representative, or does the power to vote these shares transfer automatically to my LPR on my death?

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Alibaba on the NYSE

I have been following the possible listing of Alibaba on the NYSE.

Can you please explain if, and how, I could participate in this IPO?

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Hybrid securities

I have a SMSF of about $630 000 all of which is invested in mainly dividend blue chip stocks ie TLS CBA etc.

I have just been made redundant and will receive a terminating payment of about $150000.

Also I will be transfering my QSUPER defined benefit account ($1,500,000) into mySMSF.

Can you recommend about 3 hybrid securities that you consider worthwhile investments.

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