Hybrid securities

I have a SMSF of about $630 000 all of which is invested in mainly dividend blue chip stocks ie TLS CBA etc.

I have just been made redundant and will receive a terminating payment of about $150000.

Also I will be transfering my QSUPER defined benefit account ($1,500,000) into mySMSF.

Can you recommend about 3 hybrid securities that you consider worthwhile investments.

A: Thanks for the question.

Hybrids are very expensive at the moment as spreads have narrowed, and getting set on the ASX (where you may need to hit the offer) could be pretty expensive.

That said, you could consider some of the older issues  – perhaps ANZPA, CBAPC, ORGHA.

Depending on how much you wish to invest, I would be spreading my risk further and investing in more than 3 issues.

Also, I note that you are thinking of transferring your defined benefit amount into your SMSF. Have you asked by QSuper to do this?

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