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SuperStream requirements

Can you please provide some clarity as a Trustee of a SMSF the requirement to register for SuperStream? Is it required and what is its purpose?

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Bank shares, and Resmed

I am contemplating buying a few bank shares, but I’m not quite sure which will be the better performer in the long term – WBC or ANZ?

Also considering RMD (Resmed) for long term capital gain. Would welcome your comments.

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Telstra invests offshore

Your report mentioned a worry if Telstra invested offshore. Holding it in the portfolio would then need to be reassessed.

What is your opinion therefore of the Australian article about Telstra investing in security surveillance?

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Buying back in

Hi Peter.

I hope France is nice and Marty doing a really good job. Gary Stone said last night he is 100% cash now (about 100pts ago). I am basically only in top 20 stocks and have done well last 2 years (no mining stocks).

I am retired with an SMSF and like dividends but not capital losses.

How far down does Gary (or yourself )think we might go and when would he buy back in? Thanks as usual. I truly appreciate your show and the Switzer Report, as an investor.

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