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Interest rates

Do you think official rates are going to head further down? On Friday, the RBA released its quarterly statement on monetary policy, which underlined the headwinds the economy is facing.

Do you agree with this? In what way will these ‘headwinds’ affect the economy?

There are economists like Harry Dent, James Rickards and Robert Kyosaki predicting a huge crash, bigger than the GFC around 2016/2017 in the US and also Australia. There was some talk of a GFC ‘type’ event prior to 2008. If this was a possibility, what are your thoughts on the impact here given we aren’t in as strong a position as then? Will real estate be hit, or mainly the stock market? I know no one has a crystal ball but the fundamentals are starting to emerge?

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Sydney housing market

There has been talk of the glory days of super normal profits for the banks is over, although earnings can remain relatively strong still in a low interest rate environment if the housing market doesn’t cave in.

What are your views on the Sydney market? Do you feel there’s a possibility of the housing market caving in?

There are some bullish on the Gold Coast market. How do you see it, the Sunshine Coast, and also the Brisbane market which doesn’t seem to have done much yet?

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I hold 200 shares in MFG (purchased for $13.10) and, as MFG is now $18+, I have been looking at MGE, at $2.72 (because they are much cheaper and they recently announced MHG).

Would you recommend buying more MFG, or buying MGE and/or MHG ?

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I recently purchased 300 BENPF hybrids in the recent offer of $100 per share (no brokerage).

I would like to follow Paul Rickard’s advice and diversify into other “Big 4 Bank” hybrids. I am eligible to participate in the recent Westpac Capital Notes 3 ($100 per share & no brokerage).

I also note the other options of ANZPC ($101.499), ANZPD ($98), ANZPF ($99.70), NABPC ($98.30) & WBCPC ($100.67) closing prices as at 6/8/15.

Which of the above hybrids would you recommend? Is there any concern buying those trading under $100, given they would be cheaper to buy (even with brokerage) than the new offer and those over $100?

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Transferring money

1. In your experience, what is the easiest and most cost effective way to transfer large sums of foreign currency into AUD? In my case, it would be USD/AUD.

2. I’m interested in investing in the NYSE and would like to draw on your experience around the best brokering companies that offer the most seamless and cost effective options for their products/services (though their online trading platforms) including international share transactions in foreign currencies and/or local currencies.


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Investing $45,000

How you would suggest an SMSF invests an initial $45,000 in the stock market?

The fund already has direct property and small fixed interest investments.

Not sure whether to follow, say, your growth model portfolio given the amount to invest, i.e larger spread of smaller shareholdings or smaller spread with larger holdings with a view to building on diversifying spread.

The fund has still approximately 13-15 years of accumulation phase.

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