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Death benefit misconceptions

Following today’s article “death benefit misconceptions” by Tony Negline, can I just clarify that if the SMSF is under a corporate trustee with 2 members, when one dies, can the fund just carry on without having to worry about paying out the death benefit?

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Bendigo and BOQ

What are your thoughts on BEN (Bendigo Bank) & BOQ (Bank of Queensland) at current prices?

How are they situated with regards to the new capital requirements?

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Buying the banks

With the recent share price falls of the major banks, would it be wise to wait to the banks report before considering buying them? I currently hold some CBA shares and was thinking about accumulating some more at some point.

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The part pension changes

My wife and I have a SMSF and draw down on our allocated funds and part pension. The question is on 2017 – we will lose our part pension due to the change by the government reducing it to $823K from over a million.

Is there a way I can utilise around $100K to maintain the part-pension legally that makes it not be counted as much? e.g. bonds, overseas bank accounts?

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Earnings Season

This may seem like a silly question, but when you make the remark ”consensus earnings per share –  or + %”, is that what you are expecting to happen when the earnings results come out ?

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