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Investing for grandkids

I am no genius in these matters but we had $6000 in the bank for each of my three grandchildren and us as the signatory, and Centrelink counted this as our assets for pension purposes. i.e. they reduced our pension. We changed the accounts to their names and addresses and we still contribute to the accounts. Another trap for pensioners?

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A balanced portfolio

As part of a balanced portfolio (mainly ETFs and LICs), what do you think about use of a bond ETF such as IAF or RSM/RCB/RGB?

How would you compare government ETFs vs corporate bond ETFs?

Any views on the percentage of an ETF bond in a “growth” portfolio? I currently have this set as 15-20% of the total.

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Investing for kids

I was quite excited to read the first of your articles on investing on behalf of your children/grandchildren as I had just decided I would invest $5000 each for my two grandchildren aged 8 and 9 into shares.

My thoughts on the shares are BHP, BEN and TCL or SYD. What do you think of my choices or do you have any suggestions? My intention would be to reinvest the dividends so that hopefully they will have a nice little nest egg when they reach their 20’s.

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I read during the week that Sirtex is about to enter the ASX 100. The article said that the price will probably drop for a while because of this. Could you explain this to me?

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Taking money off the table

When do you take some money off the table and when a stock is on a good run, do you add some more or just sit tight? I am holding for the long term.

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