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Non concessional contribution

My husband, aged 60, already has a transition to retirement pension in our SMSF.

I propose withdrawing the maximum pension and reinvesting it as a non concessional contribution to decrease the taxable component of his super.

Under current legislation will this be correct, or is it the case once a pension has started the taxable and non taxable components are fixed?

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Unlisted property

A few weeks ago on the Switzer Super Report there was an article on an unlisted property fund manager developing a commercial office tower near St Leonards Station. The fund was open for investment.

Could you provide the name of this fund and their contact details please.

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Price of fuel

I have noted the price of oil dropping, yet the price of our fuel stays well over the dollar.

When oil was around $150 a barrel we were paying just over $1.50 a litre.

Now it is mid $30s and maybe falling more, so how come we are still paying as at today, just over $1.30 a litre?

Is there such a thing as a graph showing the comparison of the barrel cost vs the pump price say over the last 10 years ?

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Shanghai index

Today, the 14th of December, the Shanghai index closed up 2.5%.

I have been watching VGE Vanguard emerging markets, and IZZ I Shares China top 50.

VGE and IZZ both went down today 1.4% and 0.7%. I am trying to understand the drop when they invest mostly in Chinese mainland shares.

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Dividing assets

My husband and I are beneficiaries of our own SMSF that has a corporate trustee where we are both directors. We are both 56. I work part time in the 30% tax bracket. I am administering our fund. We have most of our super in AU shares and US shares and have a small amount in cash. I was thinking of commencing a transition to retirement with a re-contribution strategy. I use cloud based SMSF software so I know my account balance at any time. In order to commence a transition to retirement it’s my understanding assets in the fund have to be divided up between my husband and myself. How is this possible when 95% are in shares? Do I need to make a decision as to which shares would be moved to the asset base for paying the pension?

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