Will banks consider moving dividend payments forward for the benefit of their Shareholders?

There is a considerable likelihood right now that imputation credits earned in a SMSF in pension phase after June 30 will be lost.

It is annoying that 3 of the banks pay their next dividends in the first week of July!!

Is there any way of encouraging those banks to pull forward into the last week of June this year for the benefit of some of their shareholders?

A: If the 3 major banks (ANZ, NAB and Westpac) are thinking about their shareholders, they will seriously consider advancing the timing of the dividend payment from July to June.

I doubt they will announce anything in this regard until they declare the dividend, which won’t be until May.

What can be done? Well, make some noise. Beat the drum. Write to each of the Directors reminding them about their obligation to act in the best interest of shareholders. Clearly, this would qualify.

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