Should I sell CBA?

Dear Paul,

Over the years my wife and I bought CBA shares when it was first floated and gradually built up a portfolio with DRP.

We currently have about 1400 shares and our average buy price is around $45.00.

We recently transferred all of them to our smsf in pension phase.

I recently read an article elsewhere, I assume to people like us, to sell CBA shares when the market value is high to protect the capital.

If I sell them now, where can I invest?

What is your opinion on this?


A: I am not a seller of CBA. I don’t see too many alternatives.

I always invest on an asset class/sector basis (ie through a portfolio of stocks) – so I really can’t answer your question without understanding what other stocks you own and your overall exposure to shares. That said, I think that it pays to stick with the strength – and there is no doubt that CBA is the best run bank in Australia.

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