Investment Advice

I am holding 25,500 units in Resolution Global Prop Sec Fund-Hedged Series II and 14,500 units in Eley Grif Grp Small Companies Fund, both purchased 2006. Have experience big falls (GFC) & now since 2016 moderate Cap gains. I am considering quitting these. Could I have your thoughts please.

A: In the absence of a full understanding of your financial situation, investment objectives or particular needs, I can’t legally offer you personal advise on these investments.

I can however encourage you to consider two important questions:

  1. Why do you want to sell?
  2. What are you going to do with the surplus funds?


If you are just planning to exit because they went horribly sour after the GFC, you wore a lot of pain, and they are now back in the black, I don’t think that is sufficient reason.



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