I am thinking of adding CRZ to my super portfolio, at $10.50. What do you think of the stock and that price? I am also thinking of adding to my BEN holding, but am concerned that the price is too high at the moment. I saw Julia Lee interviewed last night and I got the impression from her that she feels all good income stocks are over-valued at the moment. Should I be waiting for a drop in the market?

A: Thanks for the question.

I think CRZ ( looks OK value around $10.50. There is a little bit of concern at the moment that industry sales are down – and this may impact CRZ’s revenue.

The brokers still seem to like it. According to FN Arena, the current consensus price target is $11.41 and the sentiment rating is +0.6 (scale -1.0 most negative, +1.0 most positive).

On Bendigo, with you on this (which is trading at a 52 week high). I prefer the major banks to the regional banks

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