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What are your thoughts on Service Stream SSM, Adairs ADH and Harvey Norman HVN as income shares?

What are your thoughts on Service Stream SSM, Adairs ADH and Harvey Norman HVN as income shares. ADH and HVN are solid companies with consistently high dividends fully franked. SSM has virtually no debt, but the share price has plummeted in line with reduced dividends, but at the current price of 90c it is still returning a high dividend. Which would you put your money into and is SSM likely to bounce back?

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I have experienced some recent losses on my growth stocks – should I sell and buy back when things improve or hold on?

I am aware of the rotation out of growth and understand that in time growth stocks will come back into favor but as a holder of these stocks should I follow the herd and get out or continue to hold on? Appen is a case in point but has other problems. Sitting on a relatively large loss should I sell or hold out for good news and a relate? Or Is it better to sell and buy back in later when things improve?

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Could you please comment on CBA vs WBC?

On 6th May 2021, you concluded: “My preferred picks remain the “best” and the “worst”, Commonwealth Bank and Westpac respectively.”
For investors: Do we now aim to buy CBA as the top of the 4 banks and WBC as the last or if one is selling, then sell WBC in preference to CBA?
I have the understanding (or perhaps misunderstanding) from most previous commentaries/reports that CBA may be a sell and WBC a better Buy?
Would value your comments with CBA vs WBC.
Thank you.

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