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I’m interested in your opinion on selling down some of my bank stocks to fund buying of international exposure – what do you think of making the change now?

I’m interested in your opinion on selling down some of my bank stocks to fund buying of international exposure (e.g. IVV / IHVV). My thinking is that banks have had a good run, and may increase more, but outperformance from here is less likely. Switching with improve my asset allocation that I have been thinking about for a while but didn’t want to sell the banks while they were so low. My main worry is US shares at record highs and a possible pullback. What do think of making the change now?

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Can you please explain the difference in the latest distribution amounts for IVV and IHVV?

Can you please explain the difference in the latest distribution amounts for IVV and IHVV? Why is IHVV a so much larger percentage? I’m not interested in these funds for income and will reinvest both, but I’m more curious given I would expect the underlying funds to be the same. Can the hedging be impacting the distribution this much?

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Generally speaking, do you think index funds are less likely to perform as well as they have these past 12 months, given many markets are now back to pre-Covid levels?

HI Paul, in the last 12 months through my Super, I have done very well through a High Growth Index Fund (underlying fund manager Blackrock), better than I have actually done through another investment share picking. Generally speaking, do you think index funds are less likely to perform as well as they have these past 12 months, given many markets are now back to pre-Covid levels? I’m debating which strategy to focus on over the next 12 months. Thank you.

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