Investing in shares

I’m about to sell a property in my SMSF I hope to net about $750,000

The problem is where to put that money to work?

I like shares but my wife is very averse.

If we were to put money into shares I don’t see anything wrong with putting the money in a blue chip like CBA.

Maybe the there’s better banks to buy or it’s too early to say what the Royal Commission, lending and interest rate increases or loan defaults will do to the SP when the interest rates start to go up?

A: I really can’t answer it without a much better understanding of your financial objectives, financial situation and particular needs.

Let me make some general observations:

  1. I wouldn’t put all the money in one stock. I am a believer in diversification – across asset classes and within asset classes;
  2. As I have stated in the Switzer Report, I like the banks and think they are cheap ;
  3. With this sort of money to invest, and noting your wife’s discomfort about shares, you may be well advised to seek the advice of a financial planner. If you would like me to introduce you to a member of our team at Switzer Advisory, please let me know.


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